The Cloud Computing Blog

How the Cloud Can Increase Your Business Agility

Written by Cloud Carib | Aug 8, 2017 12:56:00 PM


Our current world is extremely competitive, for an organization to effectively compete they need to be agile. Utilizing the cloud can offer several opportunities for your organization to increase its business agility. According to a 2022 study conducted by NewVantage Partners, business agility continues to be driven by the cloud. In fact, the study found that cloud migration represented the third-largest data investment priority for businesses in 2022.  Undoubtedly, business agility is extremely important to the success of your organization as well. Topco found the benefits of agility included greater innovation and productivity, longer-lasting cost reduction, and a more adaptive organizational culture.

Here are a few quick ways the cloud can improve business agility for your organization.

1. Scalability On-Demand

The cloud provides the ability to scale up and down based on business demands. This ensures that your organization is only paying for their actual usage and needs and can be an extremely valuable cost-saving mechanism. Scalability also allows your organization to become more responsive to the needs of customers.

2. Your Data, Where You Need It & When You Need It

Thanks to the cloud, we now have data availability at levels that we've never had before. With the cloud, your employees can work from anywhere, allowing increased flexibility and productivity. The cloud supports internal and external collaboration making projects and teamwork more productive and efficient.

3. Ease of Updates & Testing of New Solutions

With the cloud, updates can be completed more quickly and efficiently.  With the help of a managed service provider, those updates become even easier because they can be managed on your behalf.  This will save your employees significant time and energy, allowing them to focus on more important business tasks that further your organizational goals. Testing new solutions is also considerably easier and cheaper with cloud adoption. Solutions can be employed with ease and tested more quickly. Using the cloud for new solutions can also save your organization CAPEX costs due by reducing hardware purchases. Now your organization can operate in a cost-effective and responsive environment. 

4. Reduces Business Complexity

In its annual Business Agility Survey Deloitte found that as much as 67%  of its respondents agree that improving business agility would have a significant impact on their business with those counted in that number being calling it a priority issue for their specific organizations. However, data compiled by the Hackett Group's benchmark study, shows that high complexity levels had a direct correlation to elevated operational costs.  Cloud works to reduce the complexity of an organization by simplifying internal operations, improving the delivery of internal resources, introducing new ways for employees to collaborate and work, the faster and less complex rollout of new technologies or business initiatives, and improved ability to share, analyze and act on data.