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The NEW Pirates of the Caribbean: Ransomware

Written by Cloud Carib | Dec 11, 2023 3:57:03 PM

The Caribbean, once synonymous with tales of pirates and hidden treasures, has now faced a new kind of threat: cyber pirates.

In recent weeks, a series of high-profile cyberattacks have targeted organizations across the region, leaving a trail of compromised data and heightened cybersecurity concerns. These digital raiders, targeting industries like telecommunications, government, and finance, serve as a stark reminder that no region is immune to the growing threat of cyberattacks.

The Alarming Rise of Cyberattacks in the Caribbean

One of the most notable incidents involved TSTT, Trinidad and Tobago's largest telecommunications provider. The attack resulted in the theft of personal data belonging to over 30,000 customers, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and even Social Security numbers. Another recent attack targeted the Caribbean National Weekly, a regional newspaper, leading to the theft of the newspaper's website and email archives, compromising sensitive information about its sources and reporters.

These incidents are part of a larger pattern of increased cyber threats in the region. The Caribbean experienced 144 million cyberattack attempts in the first half of 2022 alone, with ransomware being a prevalent method. The Latin American and Caribbean region is seeing a rise in more sophisticated and targeted cybercrime strategies. With the rapid digitalization spurred by the pandemic, cybercrimes increased by 600%, and the average cost of a data breach for a company rose to US$2.09 million in 2022. The data also illustrates a concerning trend where cybercriminals are becoming more selective and efficient in their attacks, shifting from basic and massive to complex and targeted operations.​2

In 2019, the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) warned that the region was becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks citing several factors that contribute to this vulnerability, including a lack of cybersecurity awareness, a lack of adequate cybersecurity infrastructure and skilled cybersecurity professionals.

Life’s A Breach: The Ripple Effects of Data Breaches

These data breaches have far-reaching consequences, extending beyond the immediate loss of personal information. The stolen data could be used for identity theft, financial fraud, unauthorized account access, and other malicious activities. Corporate data breaches can also have severe repercussions for businesses, as competitors or cybercriminals could exploit the stolen information to gain a competitive advantage or disrupt sensitive business operations.

The Data Protection Act: A Step Towards Enhanced Security

In some Caribbean countries, like Jamaica and the Bahamas, the Data Protection Act provides a legal framework for safeguarding personal data. This act outlines strict regulations and standards for the collection, use, and protection of personal data, empowering individuals with more control over how their information is handled. It also enforces penalties for non-compliance, ensuring that organizations handle data with utmost care and respect.

The Role of MSPs and Cybersecurity Providers in Fortifying Defenses

To fortify against such threats, businesses and governments in the Caribbean must adopt a multi-faceted cybersecurity strategy. This includes identifying and assessing cybersecurity risks to business operations, implementing targeted protection for sensitive corporate assets, and boosting internal cybersecurity capabilities. It's essential to conduct regular security ratings and third-party assessments to stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities. Given the evolving nature of cyber threats, there is a need for continuous adaptation and improvement of security systems, especially with the increasing integration of IoT and cloud networks. Proactive and comprehensive cybersecurity measures are not just critical for protecting data but also for maintaining public trust and economic stability.​2

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and cybersecurity providers like Cloud Carib, play a crucial role in bolstering cybersecurity defenses in the Caribbean region. These firms offer a range of services and expertise to help protect and secure data effectively:

  • Data Backup and Replication: MSPs provide robust data backup and replication services, ensuring that critical data is securely stored and easily recoverable in case of data loss or breaches.
  • Cloud Storage: Cloud Carib and other reputable cybersecurity firms offer secure and scalable cloud storage solutions, providing redundancy and protection against data loss and ensuring data safety and accessibility from anywhere.
  • Security Certifications: Certifications like SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2) and CSA STAR (Cloud Security Alliance Security Trust Assurance and Risk) demonstrate a company's commitment to data security and compliance, indicating that data is handled with the highest standards of security and integrity.

In addition to these services, MSPs can also provide:

  1. Security Assessments and Audits: These services help identify and address vulnerabilities in your systems and networks.
  2. Vulnerability Management: This involves continuously monitoring your systems for vulnerabilities and patching them promptly.
  3. Incident Response: In the event of a breach, MSPs and cybersecurity firms can help you contain the damage and restore operations quickly.
Data Sovereignty: Keeping Data Within Caribbean Borders

Data sovereignty, the legal concept that data is subject to the laws and regulations of the country in which it is located, plays a critical role in data protection. By keeping data within the Caribbean borders, organizations can ensure it remains subject to local data protection laws, providing an additional layer of security and compliance.

Protecting Your Data: A Shared Responsibility

In the face of evolving cyber threats, both companies and individuals must take proactive steps to protect their data.

  • Educate Employees on Cybersecurity: Conduct regular cybersecurity awareness training for employees, covering topics like phishing scams, social engineering attacks, and safe online practices.
  • Regular Software Updates: Keep software and operating systems up to date, installing security patches promptly to address vulnerabilities.
  • Secure Networks and Devices: Secure networks with firewalls and intrusion detection systems and protect devices with antivirus and anti-malware software.
  • Be Cautious with Online Activities: Exercise caution when clicking links or opening email attachments, especially from unknown senders. Avoid sharing sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks and be mindful of social media posts that could reveal personal details.


The recent data breaches in the Caribbean serve as a wake-up call, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. Individuals, businesses, and governments must work together to strengthen cybersecurity practices, raise awareness, implement robust protective measures, and partner with experienced cybersecurity firms like Cloud Carib. By taking cybersecurity seriously, we can safeguard our data, protect our privacy, and ensure the region's sustained security and economic resilience.