The Cloud Computing Blog

4 Reasons Why You Might Need to Consider a New Cloud Service Provider

Written by Cloud Carib | Oct 3, 2017 1:06:00 PM

Is it time to rethink your cloud service provider? It might be. With the constant innovations and changes in cloud technology, your organization must be sure that the provider you use adds unprecedented financial value while also allowing your internal teams to focus on additional growth.  The truth is, switching providers can be a heavy lift, especially considering the large amounts of data to be moved and the time you'll likely spend evaluating providers. Before you make the move ensure you've truly weighed the costs and benefits to make sure you're making the best move for your organization. We've selected 4 of the main reasons why your organization should be considering a new cloud service provider and have detailed them below.  

1. Pricing

Prices are constantly changing, and they don't always trend downward. Some providers may woo customers with attractively low rates, only to increase those costs after the first year contract expires. Some providers charge for certain services such as 24/7 support, while other providers may include such perks in their monthly service packages at no additional cost. These additional charges can add up over time, making some providers more expensive than they initially appear. 

When considering the cost of your service provider, compare apples to apples rather than apples to oranges. When reviewing your current plan, be sure that any new quotes are truly comparable. Make sure the details are the same, from storage and services to speeds and contracts. More often than not, businesses get excited about what appears to be a cheaper plan and may leave their current provider, only to be disheartened when they realize the new provider isn't as great or as cheap as they'd hoped. 

Keep in mind that switching providers are often a fair amount of work and time, the cost savings provided by switching providers should be significant enough to justify the transition. 

2. Security Issues 

According to industry professionals, providers who do not prioritize security at every level put their client's data at serious risk. The rise of ransomware is proof that bad actors will stop at nothing to get a hold of your organization's critical data. If you feel that your provider isn't taking your security seriously it's time to switch. The security of your data is paramount and could have significant impacts on your bottom line and reputation if mishandled. Having an SLA that includes details about your security requirements is key to establishing a clear understanding from the get-go.  

3. Problems With Your Service Level Agreement (SLA) 

 Some service providers fail to provide SLAs. SLAs are key to protecting both the client and provider, they create peace of mind for both parties, establish clear and measurable guidelines for the relationship and provide recourse for unmet obligations. It is highly recommended that your organization request an SLA from your provider, if they are unable to meet this request, I would suggest considering a different provider. An SLA protects both parties and establishes a legal contract, I would be suspicious of a provider that doesn't want an SLA or at least doesn't give you a darn good reason for why they don't want one. If you do have an SLA with your provider but find that it doesn't meet your changing needs or you find issues with the current agreement, suggest making changes. If these changes can't be accommodated, changing providers is a viable option. 

4. Your Needs Are Not Being Met

Whether your needs aren't being met because your needs have changed or simply your provider isn't meeting the needs discussed in your contract, a change of provider should be considered. Discuss with your provider and re-iterate your needs, if they're still not able to meet them (depending on the importance and severity of the problem) you may need to change providers immediately. If your needs have changed and your current provider is unable to meet these new demands you may need to bring in a second provider to assist with these new needs or switch providers entirely. For example, not all providers offer platform as a service (PaaS) or  Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). These are highly valuable services, if you aren't considering them now you may require them in the future, it's important to choose a provider that offers a wide portfolio of services, supporting your business as it expands and evolves. 

Are You Looking for a new Cloud Service Provider?

If you're thinking about switching to an offshore cloud hosting provider, consider Cloud Carib. Headquartered in Nassau, the Bahamas, we are a cutting-edge, offshore hosting company that offers private and hybrid cloud solutions. If you're looking for tailored cloud solutions from a reliable provider, contact us to speak to one of our representatives today.