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Disaster Recovery - Not a priority until you really need it!

Written by Cloud Carib | Aug 31, 2017 1:50:00 PM

Most people prefer to focus on positive predictions for the future rather than dwell on worst-case scenarios. After all, who wants to think about the possibility of losing a business to natural or man-made disasters? Many buy the requisite insurance policies and never give the matter a second thought. But is this the best approach?  Unfortunately, most people do not see the value of a disaster recovery plan until they actually need it. For far too many businesses,  disaster recovery is an afterthought that occurs only after the worst has happened. This sometimes leads to the failure of a business, enormous financial losses, and many other negative consequences. But, its never too late to make Disaster Recovery a priority.

Back-Up Your Data

In the modern age, having access to data after a disaster could mean the difference between being able to stay in business or losing everything. While securing data used to be much more difficult - using things like magnetic tape backups that had to be manually changed and taken offsite every day - modern technology makes creating a disaster recovery plan so much easier. Internet-based solutions, such as remote backup service and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) have made it possible to not only store critical information, but entire servers full of data, all at an affordable cost.

Regardless of how a company chooses to back up its data, it should do so regularly (daily, if practical, and depending on your RPO). Obviously, those backups should live off-site (preferably somewhere relatively remote, like an offshore location). Many experts suggest keeping backups at least 25 miles away from the main site to ensure the same event that affects the main servers is less likely to affect the backups. Thus, a company in Florida may be wise to use a service in the Bahamas and vice versa.

True Value of Disaster Recovery Planning

While most IT professionals understand the value of a good disaster recovery plan, many do not prioritize it, or simply fail to communicate its true value to their organization's decision-makers. Instead, many companies opt for the cheapest solution, discovering too late that it really was not the right choice. When the disaster strikes and the inferior service fails to provide, businesses are sometimes left unable to operate for days or weeks, resulting in staggering financial fallout in the long term.

Although cost considerations are an important factor, it must be noted that the cheapest solution may come with very expensive holes in its coverage. While disaster recovery options are forever evolving, it is important for companies to take the time to think about the possible scenarios and ensure that their solution offers everything they need. They also need to continue to monitor this solution to ensure it remains the best and most budget appropriate to suit their needs.

Are You Looking for a Disaster Recovery Service Provider?

If you're thinking about using a cloud service provider in your disaster recovery plan, consider Cloud Carib. With headquarters in Nassau, the Bahamas, Cloud Carib is a cutting-edge, cloud service provider that offers private and hybrid cloud solutions. Its disaster recovery, CaribDR, ensures your information is safe and secure, no matter the size, type, or scope of data. If you're looking for tailored disaster recovery from a reliable provider, contact us to speak to one of Cloud Carib's representatives today.