In part one, we discussed why containerized environments are an important part of the digital revolution. Choosing the right container technology to match your organization’s needs is perhaps one of the most important decisions a developer will make during the transition to container utilization – and rightfully so. It is important to consider the specific circumstances of your enterprise. The trick is, to begin with, the end goal in mind. Setting specific evaluation metrics ahead of time will undoubtedly make the task of choosing a container strategy more efficient. What specific goals need to be met and which departments will use this technology? Answering these key questions can save development teams hours in lost productivity by cutting down on the time spent testing incompatible strategies.  

Intricately linked to this concept – and equally important – is the need for organizations to evaluate their position in the market. In part one of our deep dive into containerized environments, we highlighted the increased innovation and adaptability their integration has brought to digital workspaces. This is particularly true for startups that can often adopt a more disruptive approach to business. For larger enterprises, this may not be as simple. Larger, more established enterprises must consider issues like their specific governance standards, legacy, and even length of time in the market. For larger organizations, disruption may not be the goal. Instead, they should lean towards a container solution that accommodates their specific needs and requirements and can easily be integrated with their current systems.  4

Whether your organization is a startup or an established enterprise, choosing the containers best suited for your business may require outside help. This is also a key step in the process. As containers are still a recent technology, the nuances of operating within such digital environments are still a mystery to many professionals across the IT industry. Seeking the help of experts can have long-term benefits by helping your team fill in the blanks. Providers like Cloud Carib can not only help you identify your containerization needs but also design a custom strategy best suited for your operation. 

Once you have chosen the containerized environment best suited to your organization, you must take the necessary steps to protect it.

In part three of our series, we will examine some best practices and some security tips that can help secure your container ecosystems.